When submitting a university application through UCAS you need to have a Reference. This is just one person whose role is to help the university or college you are applying to understand your academic ability and suitability for further study.
Your Reference, sometimes called a Referee, will need to be able to explain:
- Your academic performance since you were 16 and how this might affect you at higher education level.
- Why you are suitable for the career path you have chosen.
- Your skills and qualities
- What you have achieved, any work experience and extracurriculars you take part in
- If you have commitments which may prevent you from attending an interview on a particular day
- Any personal circumstances which could affect your academic performance
They do all of this in a reference letter which they submit to UCAS. It is important for the Reference to know that they must submit the application in English.
If you are still studying or are awaiting exam results, your Reference will need to add your predicted grades.
Now you understand what your Reference needs to know, you should decide who to ask. This will normally be one of four types of people:
- Tutor
- Teacher
- Trainer
- Employer
If they agree to be your reference you will need to add their email and phone number to the reference page. Once you click “Ask referee to complete reference”, UCAS will automatically get in touch with your Reference to ask them.