Do’s and Don’ts

Writing a personal statement when applying to university is very challenging. In just a few paragraphs you need to convey your passion for the subject along with who you are.

To help you on your way, here are our top Do’s and Don’ts tips for your personal statement:


  • Explain clearly why you want to study the subject you are applying for.
  • Keep the statement focused on the subject you want to study
  • If your degree is linked to a profession, show that you have thought beyond university
  • Introduce any work experience, especially if it relates to you subject
  • What have you done outside the classroom? Think about what gives evidence that you are passionate about your subject as well any transferrable skills.


  • Give out of date examples. They want to know who are now and what you plan to do.
  • Use comedy foolishly.
  • Claim to be good at something. Do make sure you use examples to back up your good.
  • Write everything you have ever achieved. Do pick and choose the experiences which fit your goal best.

Through all of this stay positive. Remember the admissions tutors will be reading a lot of these statements, so try to make sure you are giving them something which is enjoyable to read.

If you would like more support, then remember that Go Enrol offers a professional personal statement review service.

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